Making Cuts and the Sinking Celtics
While the second week of the high school season is off to a fine start the Celtics ship is sinking before it gets out of the harbor.
After a tough loss at home to the Jazz Friday night, the Celtics traveled to
Cleveland to take on LeBron and Co. Saturday evening. Even without Theo
Ratliff and Wally Szcerbiak who were both out because of injury the Celtics
built a 25 point lead early in the 3rd quarter. It was a lead that was
short lived as the Cavs came roaring back and the Green had no way to defend
itself. Between the poor execution down the stretch and lack of toughness
during the Cavs 4th quarter assault many including myself really have to
think about whether or not Doc Rivers is a good fit for this team. I am not one to quickly point fingers at a head coach but the team’s toughness and attitude usually mirrors that of its coach, doesn’t it?
The Green then returned home on Monday to host the Magic and got off to a lack luster start but hung around long enough to grab a lead down the stretch after putting together a stretch of stops that resembled a team that had a clue how to play defense. Of course after they grabbed the lead the defense reverted back to its inexperienced and at times clueless ways as the Magic scored on its final 4 possessions and dropped the Celtics to 1-6. Not only was I pissed about the outcome but I stayed up past 11 to finish watching this game as I DVR’d it so I could watch some of the Cavs Knicks game with my roommate. As a die hard Celtics fan I am not sure where to go from here. Maybe a few days of not thinking or reading about the team may help. Of course they are back at it tonight at home against Indiana and I have the NBA package, so it will be another night of frustration. Red I hope you are doing ok wherever you are.
On the other side of the court both my high school Varsity and JV teams are off to a good start as we as coaches and the players are feeling good about the season. Our Varsity is fast, aggressive and has a great mix of young and experienced talent. Our transition game should be outstanding and the chemistry is also very strong both on and off of the court. We are carrying 14 on the roster right now including two freshmen. We have our first scrimmage this Friday.
On the JV we decided to keep a large number, sixteen. One of the sixteen is recovering from collarbone surgery and two others right now understand that they will not be seeing playing time anytime soon. It was a tough decision keeping that many but I feel like it strengthens the program and the guys will push each other more on a daily basis. A few of the kids that were cut could have filled those last two spots. Hopefully my gut was right on these players. Time of course will tell. I have some promising young guards and three football players that just joined us on Monday that play physical and very hard. It should be a good mix of guys. It is great going to practice everyday.
Special shout outs this week: The Legends (great win Sunday fellas!), Brookie G for passing the NY Bar Exam, Jordan and his hamstring, PR, Team Fastbreak, 133 Washington St. in Hoboken, 15J, D Bell, and of course my new high school basketball team!
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